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Module 3 - Finding Voice or "Who else hates the sound of their voice? Yuck."

I spent the last couple weeks "finding my voice" in digital storytelling, and it gave me the chance to talk about one of my favorite topics - opportunity, availability and access for people. Knowing what we know about different people living in 2017, we know that not everyone has the opportunity or ability to access technology that in many ways are considered "absolutely necessary" in today's world.

In this way, the readings this week allowed us to engage and examine these limitations (and also their incredible opportunities) as a means for people to tell their stories. Whether those stories are about saving money, opening one's eyes to different orientations or something as intense as following someone's journey through grief, knowing someone's struggle is the first step towards a more empathetic world.

I found a bit of my own voice this week, using voice-recording technology to record and edit my Thirty-Second-Story Challenge: (though I hate the sound of my own voice)

I also had the opportunity to do a few Daily Creates which can be found here:

And finally, using my voice again, my Dialogue on DO NOT TRACK with @MrsSandler85, @LeynaAtLarge and @ablesho!!

This week was my first time using Soundcloud, and I also signed up for a WattPad account after learning about the technology in our readings! All in all a very successful Module 3!

If only we all sounded as good as Ms. White.

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