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REMIX a Classmate - A remix of Paul Zastrocky's Recordings of the Thai Elephant Conservation Pro

When I first heard we were remixing a classmate, I was nervous. Taking someone else's work, their baby, their brain-child, dressing it in new clothes and taking it puppy shopping was not something I was looking forward to. After all, kidnapping is illegal.

However, after a little bit of thought and a lot of planning, I came up with a way to honor the work of a classmate in a physical/digital form.

Actual video of me struggling to get this REMIX done.

I had the opportunity to remind Paul Zastrocky this week, and it truly was a pleasure. After looking through his Story Map and learning about his time in Thailand, (karaoke was sung, among other things) I was fascinated by the work he did with the Thai Elephant Conservation Project there. It is a hands-on (experiential!) learning project to help educate people and protect the Thai Elephant. If you don't know anything about me at all, know that I love experiential learning. It rocks my world.

Paul took some incredible videos of his experiences there, and that is where the inspiration for my REMIX was born. Interspersing Paul's video with one of my own creation, we are able to tell a story about his time in Thailand visually, and creatively. As the people in his video interact and create with their elephant companions so does my own creation take form. I hope you enjoy my REMIX!

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